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No more tainted love, only painted self-love.

Writer's picture: The Fox in the TeacupThe Fox in the Teacup

Updated: Oct 19, 2020

Hello critters! Time for an arts & crafts post because I've been practicing self-care by letting my imagination run wild.

Over the past few days, I've been painting. Not that I'm particularly good at it but I just like the fun of it. Mixing the colours, trying different shapes, making mistakes and coming up with makeshift solutions to fix 'em.

I'm low-key obsessed with plants so I started with that as inspiration for my first canvas. A quick Pinterest search for the monstera look and here I was, making a mess with my greens. First, I tried one type of prairie-ish green, then figured it could use some darker green because leaves usually aren't just one shade. I was having a lot fun figuring out how to get the right tone of green and getting the monstera shape sort of OK with more white paint. Afterwards I thought to myself, this could use a pop of colour. Back to Pinterest I went in search of hibiscus inspo. Got my pink on and tried to the best of my ability, and with the random painting brushes I dug up from a box in the living room, to get the flower shape right. It sort of worked and I'm happy with the results!

On Saturday night, as any young hip person, I was home in my pajamas with a cup of tea. I wasn't particularly captivated with the movie playing on TV, though still intrigued enough that I kept it on for background noise, and was struck with creative inspiration. I felt like trying a gradation of pink so I did. It was pretty but I felt like adding more to it. Following a year of growth and self-acceptance, I wondered what sentence I could use that would ring true for me, what would make sense for me. "I am enough" s'est imposé comme une évidence.

I'm not perfect and that's okay. I am enough as I am. I am creative and caring, stubborn and prone to procrastinate. I have body fat, I am building muscles, I have pimples, I have a skincare routine, I have body hair on my legs (much to the horror of my mother), I wear dresses and flannels. I accept myself as I am and I am changing what I can control in my life. I am becoming a better version and truer version of myself. I am not perfect but still, I am enough.

Sure I could brush up on my lettering skills, but the results are good enough for me :)

Finally, I wanted to use more colours, let it explode with happiness! Obviously, the Pride flag served as my inspiration. I had so much fun making my rainbow colours, finding the right shades for me, the shades that made me go "ooh" and "yas". Before I flew back to France I got some silver and gold paint from Sostrene Grene (my homely haven). Mixed some silver with some black for the lines which are anything but straight because so am I. Finished it off with a white tree and gold blossoms. The Q-tip trick was pretty fun to do. Honestly, I'm proud of what I achieved for a novice 😄

All in all, it was a greatly positive experience and I tremendously enjoyed myself. If anyone can afford the time and material, I would highly recommend this activity as a time for self-care and self-soothing.

Flags and bundles of joy 🏳️‍🌈

Nicky 🦊

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